Re-Envision your life, one step at a time
Walk With Lori
LLD Legacy Publishing Presents

Wisdom On The Walk

Is your soul thirsty for Spirit-filled,
God-directed, Christ-centered
life stories?
The WoW book series began its outreach through women’s stories of faith, healing, and transformation with Revealing the Wisdom on the Walk. It continues to ripple its mission with 16 female authors in the newest release, Embracing the Wisdom on the Walk, where we continue to bring forth Christ-centered, Spirit-led, and God-directed insights, prayers, and meditations.
In these stories, you will read about:
Navigating the rough waters
Reflecting God’s love
Welcoming the sound of empty
Walking with the King of Steady
Seeking your identity
Ordering your life
AND...Witnessing His Time
PLUS Learn how YOU can become a published author

Order Your Copy!
NEW! Embracing Wisdom On the Walk
ISBN 979-8990233409 | Published April 2024
Revealing Wisdom On the Walk
ISBN 978-1643963341 | Published April 2023

You Are Invited!

Meet the Authors of the New Book...
Embracing Wisdom on the Walk
Meet the dynamic women Authors behind the book...
About Lori L. Dixon
LLD Legacy Publishing
Lori L. Dixon, Ed.S., is the owner of LLD Legacy, Walk with Lori, and LLD Legacy Publishing. Lori brings more than 40 years of wisdom and experience working in education, therapy, business, and nonprofits. She is a visionary leader, life transformation expert, best-selling author and publisher, as well as multiple international award-winning host and producer on streaming TV.
As a writer for many years and a published author, editor, and “reader” for others, Lori knew her passion would always be there. Lori expanded her mission from author to publishing with anthologies and compilation books for a few years. That is what sparked her desire to create open opportunities for others to write books and programs to bring forth their own dynamic stories. She believes we are all meant to be SEEN in our own God-given divine design and have a mission to share right now within the world.
LLD Legacy Publishing is a full service publishing company with editing, writing, illustrating, cover design, photography, media, marketing, and MORE just for you. Whether your story is fiction or nonfiction and if it is for children or adults, we are here to guide and support your journey to becoming and expanding being an author.