RHOD Season 4 Episode 7

Releasing the Ghosts of the Past and Present
In this episode of RHOD, we get ready to see how the “ghosts” of our past can affect our present and—even more so—our future. As we acknowledge them and release the hold they have on our lives, we each embrace our own voice of purpose. I applaud the housewives for their willingness to honor their own voices in each of the situations presented this evening. Here are two powerful examples:
1. Bonding with our children is a crucial part of a healthy relationship. Brandi has been working on connecting with her daughters through common interests. She’s tried shopping and is now bringing forth the positive experiences of her love of cheerleading.
I love the way Brandi participated in the fun with the girls and shared how she learned gymnastic techniques through consistent practice, not coaches and lessons. She shares her own voice of how learning to strengthen your core is important to each move in cheerleading. It is so true in life as well! Our core beliefs guide us in the expectations and intentions for our relationships and continue to provide us with powerful learning opportunities.
2. Stephanie continues to expand her voice and free the “ghosts” of her own past, too. Stephanie and Kameron are trying to connect and “close the chapter” on their disagreements. They experienced difficulties, even with the example of the “surface-level relationship” Kameron felt she heard. When we perceive something from someone else’s words, there is truth in it for us— where we are, in that moment of life. Stephanie apologizes, and they decide to forgive the past and move forward. Are they agreeing to disagree and let the interactions they consider harmful or hurtful go? We can begin to see positive characteristics in the other person and focus on the things for which we are grateful. It is positive and appropriate to recognize that not seeing “eye to eye” isn’t wrong. Seeing through someone else’s perspective can broaden our view of life even further.
I’m proud of Steph for stepping OUT and UP by sharing her voice this season. She is walking past her “ghosts” that have haunted her previously in her life. These memories are only examples of how she stood in her own power and how her lessons in life have strengthened her to be the person she is today.
Is that true in your own life? What lessons are driving your growth and knowledge as they guide your steps forward? Are you grateful for the process or stuck in resentment? Which path will you choose going forward? I believe you must “release to receive” greater goodness and blessings.
Let’s get back to our Ghostbusters. A local “field trip” to a renowned haunted house provided an evening for the housewives to spend together. The evening wasn’t without its excitement, but not in the way you may be thinking. The conversations provided astonishment as much as fear. Just like the concept of ghosts, you could say they are signs of the past we carry with us. Evoking their power in our lives even though we were meant to learn the lesson and step forward with the strength and strategy in tow.
Let go of the ghosts of your past. As we listen to negative words from others or even ourselves, we need to be listening to the still small voice within, speaking truth to us today and shedding light on the truths we need to be remembering from our past.
Kary walks IN her voice no matter what anyone thinks. She shows concern for others and supports them in their voice. Stephanie walks in hers, through her healing and into her own words of compassion and belief in others. Brandi is beginning to walk in her truth with her children. D’Andra is stepping into her truth in her relationship with her mom and her business.
Do YOU ask, “What is my path?” It is your time to OWN your feeling of self and share it with others so they can see their personal worth. Your intention should be to make your message and voice clear! Bring your light to more environments and support others. Illumine your light and continue to refresh it.
As the housewives show us in their interactions, when we begin to compare and contrast our lives, we enter into a power struggle on a high level. We try to align our energy with someone else and squelch where they are in their own lessons. We even perpetuate our own power by staying in this position. We must rise above the struggle and respect each other’s journeys. Embrace the opportunity to appreciate and value our differences. Give others the ability to determine their own lessons. Share the goodness, not the difficulties. We see how judgement is a shame/blame game and tears down any type of relationship we may have. We want to build connection, not sever it.
It is time to leave the past in the past... including our own ghosts. Sift through the challenges and glean the lessons and treasures. Making a clear decision to move forward with a clean slate can bring powerful insight and healing. Learning the true meaning of forgiveness is key.
Now, it is your chance to reflect and walk forward. Ask yourself:
Does it trigger me? Do I stand in my own power and my own healing?
What is healing? Why do we need healing and from what in our lives? What are our choices for healing? Medicine, alternative medicine, nutrition, massage, touch, meditation, movement, therapy, coaching, spirituality, and faith—what else?
Where do I need healing? Will it heal my feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness? What lessons will I bring forth in my healing? What blessings will I allow to fill my heart and soul?
Are you ready? Stand in the strength. What will your healing and strength look like? I look forward to seeing it unleashed in our world.
Be Bold, Be Brave, Be YOU! Stay tuned...